пятница, 22 мая 2015 г.

Hi  Peter!
I hope you`re well!
I want to tell you about places to visit in our city.
You can can visit our natural park, name of this park is Gagarin`s park, there are you can find roller coasters, different attractions,carting, also you can try local food there. Many years ago there was a forest, some threes is seved there, in this small forest to many of animals, woodpeckers, sparrows, daws and more. Also you can visit our zoo, there are many beautiful beasts, animals, which you can feed.
I think you will have a great time there !

пятница, 17 апреля 2015 г.

charity event in Russia


Charitable Foundation "Warm House" 360 annually helps low-income families with children who find themselves in a difficult situation.

We believe that his home and loved ones - it's the best place in the world for children. And that, in most cases, it is possible to support and strengthen the child's birth family - instead of putting it into an orphanage.

"quote Warm Home"

story of "mother and son"

Catherine approached us in the fund when her son was born Dmitry. Social workers of our foundation from the outset noticed as a responsible approach to child-rearing Katya - the child was in her late, and it was not easy, because it is a graduate of the orphanage.

His childhood and youth she spent on the street, and all of life's complexity experience for yourself. She is a very responsible approach to motherhood, but in connection with its past, in the upbringing she did not know of many simple things. Kate all the time looking for the right answers: how to keep his son how to feed, - any simple question for her home complex. Our task was to find Catherine resources and uncover her mother's inner potential for it to be more independent in educating and communicating with your child.

Before meeting with us Katia all the forces trying to protect Dima from the outside world. She was afraid to allow a situation in which it can not find the answer or output and son wanted to ensure complete safety. And this, unfortunately, did not help the kid. For example, sometimes Kate wore her son a special children's helmet to protect his head from the impact. As a result, Dima-to-year and 2 months did not realize that beating your head - it hurts. And when he is not like something, it collapses back and hit his head.
Such complexities in this family was very much, and although at first glance they may seem simple, in fact the child does not know the world and experience life. It can be assumed that the older you get Dima, the harder it would be to develop. But help came from "South Dacha".

On the South Dacha Dima became very active development: he began to walk slowly learned to cope with a spoon for lunch. Kate began to feed her son a full meal. Also, Dima began actively teething, and he began to articulate some of the words and sounds. Dima broaden my horizons, he became more curious, learned to explore the space around them. What is important, it is easy to go on contact with other children.

For Katie new steps in the development of his son were very clear indicator of what the child needs freedom. And, of course, the challenge now for Katie - it does not put his son as much as a safe space, and give him the opportunity to develop, to allow him to make simple mistakes to get your own personal experience. Meanwhile, Kate will support his son in any new research in the world.

                                                                          be happy

Haiti earthquake

 Earthquake in Haiti it`s really scared me, here is too many of debris, three million people died, or living without of shelter. I can`t believe my eyes! Alot of garbage!Thay haven`t water, running water and food!Big volunteer team helping them now

пятница, 3 апреля 2015 г.

rasism - расизм
pollution - загрязнение
endangered animals - истребление,вымирание,угроза жизни животных
global warming -глобальное потепление
unemployment -безработица
deforestation - вырубка леса
homelessness - бездомность

drought- засуха
flood- наводнение
earthquake- землетрясение
forest fire- лесной пожар
torado- торнадо
tsunami- цунами
hurricane- ураган

volunteer team- команда добровольцев
destroy- разрушать, разрушение
affect- воздействовать
injury- травма
suffer- страдать
challange- испытание
clear- очищать
rubble- булыжник
rescue team- спасательная команда
wage- заработная плата
conditions- обстановка
running water- проточная вода
medical supplies- медикаменты
awful- ужасный

I think unemployment and pollution are the two most serious problems in my country.

пятница, 20 марта 2015 г.

Dear Peter,

I flew yesterday,we arrived at the hotel and there at the same we went to sleep, not laying things because we were very tired.
Now i`m in Tenerife, i`m staying in the hotel,weather is sweet, sun is shining
I am going to go simming on the pool, then i will go to the gym.

Hotel is very beautiful, with many trees, beautiful beaches

There are many different acivities like a archery,football,dancing,golf, there are clubcars which brings you from reception or from your number to the beach.
Tonight we are going to go on the restaurant name "terrace of La Gomera"

I`m will come back after two weeks.
We are very happy to be there.
See you soon, write back.

четверг, 5 марта 2015 г.

I live in Chelyabinsk, and I want to tell you about the Ilmen Reserve 
Ilmen Reserve - State Nature Reserve. Located in the central part of the Chelyabinsk region near the city of Miass.May 14, 1920 by decree of Lenin Ilmen Mountains were declared mineralogical reserve, one of the first reserves created in Russia, he is now in its area occupies 30th place among the reserves of the country.This conservation, research public institution with the status of the Institute as part of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

55 ° 00'55 "with. w. 60 ° 09'32 "c. d. (G) (O) (I) Coordinates: 55 ° 00'55 "with. w. 60 ° 09'32 "c. d. (G) (O) (I)
Show a map (T)
Location Chelyabinsk region
Country Flag of Russia.svg Russia
Nearest town Miass
The area of 303.8 km²
Founding date of May 14, 1920

Management organization Ilmen State Reserve mineralogical

ПозКарта Россия Челябинская областьПозКарта Россия

четверг, 26 февраля 2015 г.

My holidays

During my holidays i swim in the sea if i on the beach,play compyter games if i at home.I like holidays becouse it`s time to relax.On holidays i meet with friends abd play with they.i like my holidays.I like play basketball when i`m in the sportground.I wish you relax on your hopliday.